Yesterday, April 20, was Easter and there is no better way to celebrate Easter than sleeping in and spending it in a bathing suit. Since I managed to sleep in (first time since being here) I made the decision to stay at the apartment and tan on the balcony while Kelley went to Clovelley. Later that night we decided we did not want to spend all night in the apartment so we made a spur of the moment decision to go to the Opera Bar for a drink and to observe the view. Shortly after arriving Kelley and I managed to get a table, lucky us. While I was at the bar, I came back to the table and Kelley had made some new friends. At first it looked to be a couple around their mid-30s. Later we found out no, they were not a couple but only neighbors. Their names were André and Lesley. Lesley was one of the nicest people we've met here and she was so sweet. We randomly both confessed our love for the racetrack and Kelley, Lesley and I might head to the race track this weekend! André on the other hand had to be one of the most popular people at the bar. He knew people getting drinks, bartenders, bus boys, waiters and even managers! Because of André, we ended up being in a group of people of 10 or so. Needless to say it was a great night and it was nice to meet new people. Sooner than later the clock struck midnight and we were all asked to leave because Opera Bar was closing early that night. Kelley and I then took the train home because we were getting up early today, April 21, to go to Palm Beach. After falling asleep I woke up about three hours later and had to go to the bathroom so I did. As I was opening the door I spotted a 4 inch long cockroach in my bathroom, I panicked and freaked out and did not step foot into the bathroom. I have never been so scared in my life. I sprinted back to bed but I've heard horror stories about cockroaches crawling in people's noses, ears and mouthes so obviously I could not fall back asleep. Mom told me to turn all the lights on so he gets scared and runs away. This happened around 4:30 in the morning and I did not fall back asleep because my eyes were staring at my door making sure he wouldn't crawl into my bedroom. Finally the clock struck 8:30 and I knew it was time to get up and get ready for the day at the beach. After a long 1.5+ hour bus ride of discussing the ways of de-cockroaching our house we made it to Palm Beach (northern beach). It was beautiful with mountains in the background, a wave pool, a jetti and many sail boats sailing in the waters. Laying on the beach I was able to get almost 2 hours of sleep since I was exhausted. Tonight I will spend my night relaxing and watching TV, I'm not sure what tomorrow has in store for me but I'm sure it will be and adventure. Miss you all!
From Down Under
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